The ULTIMATE Git workflow using Neovim's Fugitive, Telescope & Git-Signs!
Turn VIM into a full featured IDE with only one command
Integrating Git and (Neo)Vim: LazyGit + Fugitive + MergeTool for maximum efficiency [Showcase]
Neovim in 100 Seconds
The Ultimate Neovim Setup with kickstart.nvim, Lazygit, Codeium, and Noice.nvim
Autocompletion in Neovim using Github Copilot -- I think I love it
GitHub - tjdevries/config.nvim: my nvim config
Use Github in Neovim - octo.nvim
Setting up GitWit on AWS: (1) The backend server
Effective Neovim: Instant IDE
Oil.nvim - My Favorite Addition to my Neovim Config
Resolve Git Merge Conflicts with Neovim and Fugitive!
How to Configure Neovim to make it Amazing -- complete tutorial
Better than Copilot? This AI plugin for Neovim is Incredible
Neovim Config Switcher
Neovim - Github Copilot | Setup & Demo | Copilot Creates a Simple Game By Itself | Official Plugin
Using Git with Visual Studio Code (Official Beginner Tutorial)
Kickstart Your Neovim Config
Vim vs NeoVim, What's the Difference? Which Should You Use?