How the world's first metro system was built - Christian Wolmar
History of Metro (2010 - 2019)
History of the Tokyo Metro
Metro’s Terrifying Species - The Dark Ones | FULL Metro Lore & Origin Story
The ENTIRE Metro Story... So Far...
The FULL Metro Timeline...So Far | 2009 - 2035 | Complete Metro Book & Game Lore
The History of Metro 2033
Journey Into Cleveland's Abandoned Subway
Evolution of the Washington Metro 1976-2040 (geographic map)
Evolution of the Paris Metro & RER 1900-2035 (geographic map)
Dubai Metro Evolution. Animation
Evolution of the Prague Metro 1974-2030 (geographic map)
Metro’s Heroic Samuel "Sam" Taylor Story | Metro FULL Lore & Origin Story
Evolution of the Montreal Metro & REM 1966-2030 (geographic map)
The ORIGINAL Metro | Paris Metro Explained
The Great War Of 2013 | FULL Metro Lore
地図で見るロマドリードメトロ 1919-2021