ENGLISH EXPRESS: Lesson 3 "I'm Glad to Hear That" | "I'm Sorry to Hear That" | English Conversation
Sorry to hear that (definition & samples from movies)
Alternative ways to say ''I'm so sorry to hear that'' in OET | Tiju’s Academy
"I'm sorry to hear"in Japanese (podcast episode2)
Learn English Phrases That's too bad, Sorry to hear that, Maybe next time
LM 50 よく使われるフレーズ
That's good/I'm glad to hear that
How to say 'I'm sorry to hear that' in Korean(with examples)
90 Japanese Words You'll Hear in Conversations!
タガログ語で「残念ですが」 2023 年フィリピン語の話し方を学ぶ |マニラの家庭教師
【Episode 7】 Hear expressions, phrasal verbs, and new vocabulary naturally spoken in this podcast!
【Episode 9】 Hear expressions, phrasal verbs, and new vocabulary naturally spoken in this podcast!
このフレーズを日本語で聞いたら【注意】してください 😳
5 Weird British Expressions | English You’ll Only Hear in the UK
【Episode 24】 Hear expressions, phrasal verbs, and new vocabulary naturally spoken in this podcast!
【Episode 18】 Hear expressions, phrasal verbs, and new vocabulary naturally spoken in this podcast!
【Episode 36】 Hear expressions, phrasal verbs, and new vocabulary naturally spoken in this podcast!
【Episode 16】 Hear expressions, phrasal verbs, and new vocabulary naturally spoken in this podcast!