the other day : Beginner Idiom: 初級:この熟語はどういう意味ですか?
Fly me to the moon - Doris Day (3Lyrics en/ja/es) #flymetothemoon #aimusicvideos 和訳 日本語歌詞
【 10月18日 】今日はなんの日?/What day is Today?/Japanese vocabulary, idiom & pronunciation practice【 #Shorts 】
Kanji of the Day -- 争
【超簡単小学校英語音読課題】Dog Day Surprise Pk 6 Bk 1
word of the day [ aggravate ]
Kanji of the Day -- 凄
N5【Time, Day, Date】 Can you read Kanji in 3 seconds?
【Daily-Life Japanese】 Everyday Phrases Throughout the Day!
Kanji of the Day -- 優
Phrase of the Day! 8 Different Ways to Use the Phrase “Be My Guest” |English Lesson|
〔英熟語覚え方〕おおブレネリで中学英熟語〔every day〕Let’s learn words with songs and images. #shorts
Valentines day 🍫💗 ⸜チョコサンド and ガトーショコラ⸝
word of the day [ incommunicado ]
Kanji of the Day -- 求
Listening English【Spending a day with friends】ALL ENGLISH version
Kanji of the Day -- 陰
Challenge: Day 8 - 彼女 - she, her - Japanese Word a Day Challenge #Shorts
Kanji of the Day -- 香