Advance Care Planning (Chinese)
Palliative care in China: Taking on the taboo surrounding death
Meaningful Dying and End of Life Care in China
When Should You Think About Hospice or Palliative Care? #mandarin #chinesecommunity #seriousillness
Marisa: Palliative care is not "giving up hope"
Advance Care Planning Chinese American Perspective
Dr. EK Yeoh | Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong |Palliative Care and Medicine |17 Dec, 2020
Most of them do not understand hospice at all
2018/10/15: Hospice care: making death easier?
WHAT IS HOSPICE CARE? ❤️Let's Hear the Answer from a Chinese Psychologist 【Z.A.O. Interview】
Advance Care Planning in BC
End of Life and palliative care: Thinking about the words we use
A Chinese Farewell
Palliative Care
Changing the Way We Think About Hospice and Palliative Care
The Ideal Location for Care Varies According to Disease, Patient and Family Characteristics
UCSF DGIM Grand Rounds with Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care
Watch Your Mouth! Three Problems of Language in Palliative Care
Palliative Care - The Family Meeting
National University Cancer Institute, Singapore Corporate Video (2016 edition) - Chinese Subtitles