APA 7th Edition: The Basics of APA In-text Citations | Scribbr 🎓
Shortening Citations With et al*
Where to Place In-Text Citations When Paraphrasing | APA 7th Edition
How do you reference et al?
The Basics of MLA In-text Citations | Scribbr 🎓
In text citations in Word 2019
CDU Harvard Referencing: The et al Rule
Using et al in citing in GE103
Using et al.
Mini lesson series: In-text citations
Adding ET AL. In Your Endnote 20 Intext-Citation
How to Use In-Text/Parenthetical Citations
IN-TEXT CITATION: Parenthetical and Narrative Citing of Sources
MLA In-Text Citations 9th ed. - Complete Guide (2025)
APA 7th Edition: In-Text Citations
APA Style In-Text Citations
The Basics of Citing and Referencing in APA 7th Edition
APA 7th In-Text Citations
The Basics of APA In-text Citations (6th Edition) | Scribbr 🎓
APA Style 7th Edition In-Text Citations