JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 5 - Giorno Meets Polpo
ジョジョ 5 : Banana Kills Polpo 『HD』
Polpo eating his large pizza
Thats no bed... (polpo's cell - ジョジョ)
Polpo Sound Profile
Giorno meets Polpo bed
Polpo's Death
Polpo eats his fingers (ジョジョ)
GioGio - Cioccolata kills Sorbet and Gelato
Polpo is tired of being overweight
polpo is under the mattress
Polpo is the mattress...
meeting polpo (dubbed)
【ジョジョ5】ギャングダンス Gang Torture Dance
(Preview) Updated Polpo's Prison Cell Stage - JoJo's M.U.G.E.N Proyect
Sigma Polpo | Jojo
Polpo's final banana • MUKBANG (emotional)
That’s no bed