The minimum wage: does it hurt workers?
What Will Happen If We Raise the Minimum Wage?
Higher minimum wage: hurting or helping?
A $15 minimum wage would hurt those it's meant to help
Raising the Minimum Wage: A Different Approach to the Jobs Problem
Minimum wages help raise the pay of low wage workers
What the US gets wrong about minimum wage
Why is America's Minimum Wage So Low - TLDR News
Why did California voters reject increasing the state's minimum wage?
Why The $7.25 US Minimum Wage Hasn't Changed For 15 Years | Business Insider Explains
Minimum Wage and Low-income Workers
Bill Would Lower Minimum Wage for Young Adults
David Neumark - Using Minimum Wages to Fight Inequality and Poverty
What Low-Wage Workers Really Want (It's Not Bigger Titles) | Forbes
What would happen if the minimum federal wage was raised to $15?
Minimum Wage Is A Cruel Policy For Poor People - Learn Liberty
Did California's minimum wage hike really CREATE jobs?
Tipped workers seek to raise sub-minimum wage
The PROBLEM With Increasing The Minimum Wage
ISSUES: Minimum Wage & Child Poverty