Intellectual Disabilities - Alicia Bazzano, MD, PhD | Pediatric Grand Rounds
Talk to Me: Treating People with Intellectual Disabilities with Respect
Inclusive Health: Caring for Patients with Intellectual Disabilities
What is IDD?
What is an Intellectual Disability? Lesson for Kids
Understanding Intellectual Disability Definitions, Intervention, and Resources
Learning Disabilities, What Are the Different Types?
Disabilities: How to Cope With Them & Support Others
Long-term services and supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Intellectual disability and scientific research: from diagnosis to treatment
Intellectual Disability
Early Signs of a Learning Disability or Learning Disorder
The Difference between Autism & Mental Retardation
(IDID A2H©) Identification of Intellectual Disabilities Framework (CYP and Adults) - Dr. Mark Lovell
Intellectual Disability & Mental Health
Understanding Disabilities (for students)
The challenge of co occurring mental illness and intellectual disability in young people
Understanding Intellectual Disability Part 1
Intellectual Disability in the Genomic Era: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Identity - Andrew Hogan
Parenting Tips for Kids With Intellectual Disabilities