Population Estimates for Puerto Rico
Why Puerto Rico is not a US state
Puerto Rico Population Loss
Here's Why Puerto Rico Is Part of the U.S. — Sort Of | History
The Unlinking of Language & Puerto Rican Identity
Profile of the Puerto Rican Population
Demographics and the Social Condition of Puerto Ricans in the United States
Population Estimates for Puerto Rico, Waveform
How The U.S Invaded Puerto Rico
Jobs and Education of Puerto Ricans in the United States
Here's Why Puerto Rico Is Part of the U.S. - Sort Of
Florida's Puerto Ricans could decide US White House race
Puerto Rico and the American Community Survey
The Puerto Rican Diaspora to the United States: A Postcolonial Migration?
Puerto Ricans in New York
Puerto Rican Florida: Migration, Integration, and Participation
The Puerto Rican Economic Crisis and the Migration Wave to the U.S.
STATE OF P.R. 2013
Why didn't Puerto Rico become a US State? (Short Animated Documentary)
What's behind the exodus from Puerto Rico to the US?