Using "get()" to Return a Default Value from a Python Dict
Dictionary Lookups in Python - Providing a Default Value with the .get() method
Return a Default Value from a Dictionary Using collections defaultdict
dict.get() default value // Python One-Liner Tips & Tricks
Advanced Dictionaries: defaultdict in Python
PYTHON : Python: list() as default value for dictionary
Python Interview Questions on Dictionaries: Create Dictionary with default values
Return a default value if a dictionary key is not available
python dictionary default value if none
python dict with default value
Python List to Dictionary with Duplicate Keys - Python Tutorial
Python: How to Setting a default value for an attribute
using get to return a default value from a python dict
How to Use Python Dictionaries + Lists of Dicts
Using the SetDefault Method in Python for Handling Lists Within Dicts
How do I create a dictionary with keys from a list and values defaulting to (say) zero?
python dictionary default value
How to convert Python dictionary values to a list | Convert python dictionary values to a list
python default value if none