Count Number of Rows by Group Using dplyr Package in R (Example) | group_by, summarise & n Functions
R: sum columns/rows in data frames | dplyr || 10
04. View the top 10 rows of data
Print First or Last Rows of Data Frame in R (4 Examples) | head() & tail() Functions | Top & Bottom
R Basics: How to Use filter() to Select Rows Based on Column Values
Extract the TOP N rows in each group in EXCEL (Using Power Query)
Across() and row-wise operations in R | Part 10: Data wrangling for linguists with tidyverse
How to Extract Rows and Columns in R | Data Manipulation in R (Part 1) | R tutorial for Beginners
Row, Row, Row Your Boat | Fun Sing-Along Song for Kids | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
R : skip last 10 rows for read in csv file (unknown number of rows)
Subset Data Frame & Matrix by Row Names in R (Example) | Select & Extract | rownames & %in% Operator
Numbering Rows within Groups of Data Frame in R (2 Examples) | Base R vs. dplyr | Add Group Counter
Extract First N Rows of Data Frame in R (3 Examples) | Select & Subset with head Function & [ , ]
2,000 People Fight For $5,000,000
Convert row names to column in R | Tibble package | R Studio
Create Data Frame Row by Row in R (2 Examples) | Successively Add Observations | List, Index & Loop
Find Common Rows Between Two Data Frames in R | Identify Duplicates | intersect & inner_join [dplyr]
Keep Original Row Order when Merging Data (Example) | Base R vs. dplyr Join | merge() & inner_join()
How to sum every N rows
10 Min ABS | No Equipment | Rowan Row