Former Ivorian cleaning lady gains a seat in Parliament
French elections: Cleaner defeats former minister in parliamentary vote
Brian Kemp Record Shows Poor Stewardship Of Georgia's Election System | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
French Assembly vote to decide battle between Macron and left
Weak President Trump Political Clout Further Eroded By Election Losses | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Election Fraud Probe Leaves House Seat In 'Legal No Man's Land' | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
The Big Lie 'Has Infected Every Nook And Cranny' Of The Republican Party
Local Elections 2022: The Breakdown
Législatives 2022: ces nouveaux visages qui font leur entrée à l'Assemblée
France: Second voting round under way in parliamentary election
France parliamentary elections: Candidates gear up for second round of voting • FRANCE 24 English
French left's coalition gamble pays off in legislative elections but unity challenges loom
Apparent NC Election Rigging Scheme Has Been Going On For Years | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
French parliamentary elections: Former PM Manuel Valls eliminated in first round • FRANCE 24
She campaigned for better working conditions at a hotel she worked; now elected as a French MP
Il miracolo francese: Rachel Keke, la deputata degli invisibili
Kornacki breaks down the crucial local elections taking shape in Kentucky and Pennsylvania
Steve Kornacki Breaks Down The California Recall Election Efforts
GOP Aims To Suppress ND Native American Vote To Hinder Heidi Heitkamp | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC