CONSER RDA Core Elements for Serials
Practical RDA: an introduction
Introduction to RDA
RDA and Music Basics: Sound Recordings
RDA Application Profiles: A Practical Guide for the Perplexed
RDA Basics for Music Materials
Incorporating RDA 3R in an LIS Cataloguing Course
Using RDA with DACS: What's New?
RDA and Music Basics: Scores
Translating RDA: Opportunities and Challenges of an International Cataloging Standard
Basics of Attributes and Relationships, Presentation at RDA Preconference 6.22.18
RDA and Serials Catalogers
RDA in 10 Easy Steps
Metadata, its Types, advantages and standards RDA, MARC, Dublin Core 5Minutes Information Ch #47
Finding Your Way with RDA -- Session1
Teaching RDA in the LIS Classroom: Report and Webinar
RDA Ask-the-Experts Webinar
Archival Materials: Using RDA with DACS
Changes from AACR2 to RDA. Part 1
RDA Serials Cataloging Update