Unix & Linux: How to remove filename extension from a list of filenames in bash? (3 Solutions!!)
Bash Scripting | Change File Extension
Get filename without extension in Bash
Unix & Linux: Grabbing the extension in a file name (7 Solutions!!)
How to delete all files with specific extension in BASH shell terminal
Extract filename and extension in Bash
How to Change File Extension to Multiple Files at Once in Bash
Unix & Linux: Remove file-name extension, if it exists (2 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: rename a file removing part of the filename bash script
Unix & Linux: Remove extension of files inside a list (2 Solutions!!)
How to Remove the File Suffix and Path from a Path String in Bash
How do I remove all but the file name (with no extension) from a full file path? (2 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: removing file extensions with bash (2 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: Remove next-to-last extension in a file name (4 Solutions!!)
Shell command to remove files extension (4 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: Best way to remove file extension from a string?
In a bash shell script, how to rename multiple files, keeping only the numbers and the extension...
Using BASH to Rename, Copy, and Delete Files and Folders
Shell script to get file name and extension
Bash Find Files with zero size and delete files with different extensions