Remove Extension from File Name in R (Example) | file_path_sans_ext() | Delete Extensions from Files
Unix & Linux: How to remove filename extension from a list of filenames in bash? (3 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: Remove file-name extension, if it exists (2 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: How to remove .bat extension from file name in a parameter?
How to delete all files with specific extension in linux
Change Case, Extension, Reverse File Name, Remove Space, Swap file name
Unix & Linux: Remove extension of files inside a list (2 Solutions!!)
How To Recursively Delete Files of a specific extension in Linux .
Unix & Linux: Grabbing the extension in a file name (7 Solutions!!)
Recursively rename files (change extension) in Linux
Unix & Linux: Remove a specific extension from all the files in a directory (5 Solutions!!)
How do I remove all but the file name (with no extension) from a full file path? (2 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: rename a file removing part of the filename bash script
Copying, renaming, and removing files. - Ubuntu Linux
Unix & Linux: Delete files same name but different file extension (3 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: Best way to remove file extension from a string?
OSX: Can't remove or hide 'filename'.extension/zone.identifier (2 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: Rename Files to Same Filename Without Extension with find Command (2 Solutions!!)
How to change multiple files extension with a single command in Linux
Get filename without extension in Bash