Renaming multiple files containing whitespace characters using regex , sed , pipes & filters
Rename multiple files using regular expression
Unix Bash rename files using a regex (3 Solutions!!)
Rename files in linux using regex pattern
Copy/rename multiple files using regular expression (shell script) (3 Solutions!!)
What is a simple regular expression to rename multiple files? (2 Solutions!!)
Bash - Rename all files that contain a given regex pattern
Batch renaming of files using regular expression in Unix (4 Solutions!!)
How to use regex quantifiers to rename multiple files with zmv?
Unix & Linux: bash rename files in directory using regex (2 Solutions!!)
Ubuntu: Rename file using regex (Linux Command line)
How to rename these files with regex? (4 Solutions!!)
Rename files using regex to delete part of name
How to Rename Files in Linux
How can I rename a lot of files using a regex? (4 Solutions!!)
Unix Magic Trick: Bulk rename files/directories with "Rename" Command
bash regex for a file name (2 Solutions!!)
Unix & Linux: How can I rename multiple files by removing a character or string? (4 Solutions!!)
Regular expressions in sed & grep: powerful tools for searching and modifying files in bash (CC022)
Use regex to change (reorganise) multiple filenames in Bulk File Renamer (2 Solutions!!)