Excel Unpivot Data with Multiple Headers (Multiple Row levels into Columns with Power Query)
Episode 2: Row vs Column Store
Column vs Row Oriented Databases Explained
data.frame Function in R (Example) | Change Row Names | Character to Factor | How to Convert Matrix
Create Data Frame Row by Row in R (2 Examples) | Successively Add Observations | List, Index & Loop
Extract Row from Data Frame in R (2 Examples) | Subset One or Multiple Rows of Table / Matrix
Use Previous Row of data.table in R (Example) | Extract & Get Values | shift Function & type = lag
How to Add New Row Automatically in an Excel Table
Convert a column to row in Excel
VLOOKUP COLUMN and ROW - Handle large data tables with ease [Advanced Excel]
How to Freeze More Than One Row in Excel
How row oriented and column oriented db works?
Columnar Database Vs Row Database | When To Use Columnar Database Official Video
Data Analyst SQL Interview Questions | RANK, DENSE RANK, ROW NUMBER | #sql
Add New Row to Data Frame in R (2 Examples) | How to Append a Vector to a Matrix | rbind Function
XLookup Row Column Match Excel
Change Row Names of Data Frame or Matrix in R (4 Examples) | row.names, data.frame & matrix Function