reject - 6 verbs with the meaning of reject (sentence examples)
rejection - 6 nouns meaning rejection (sentence examples)
reject - 11 verbs synonym of reject (sentence examples)
His proposal was rejected. [ Make Complex Sentence ]
example of the sentence of acceptance and rejection of English
How to use "accepts" in a sentence - "accepts" sentence examples with pronunciation
He rejected my proposal. [ Complex Sentence ]
'拒绝' ; reject , refuse ; examples of Chinese short sentence #chinesestudy #chinesewords
How to use "accepted" in a sentence - "accepted" sentence examples with pronunciation
dismiss - 8 verbs synonym of dismiss (sentence examples)
VINDICATE: Meaning and Sentence example
~(으)ㄴ/는데 sentence ending : Disagree, Reject, Ask, Tell a Story w/ It’s Okay To Not Be Okay & CLOY
How to use "acceptance" in a sentence - "acceptance" sentence examples with pronunciation
PLEAD Present Past Past Participle - Sentence example with Plead Verbs V1 V2 V3
conditional sentences If sentence open imaginary rejected condition
decline - 11 verbs having the meaning of decline (sentence examples)
WHAT IS A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Examples /Definition)
Judge must vacate Trump conviction in unconstitutional NY case.
The Following Program: The Left is LOST!; Let's Debate Trump's Appointees
20+ Most Difficult words with meaning and sample sentence #english #learnenglish #learnenglish