But Seek First the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33 ESV) - 100 Verses to Know By Heart [acoustic piano{
'The Kingdom of God is within you' - over 8 hours of Christ's teachings in the very words of Jesus
"Seek First the Kingdom" Matthew 6:31-34 (ESV) - Scripture Song
Seeking God's kingdom First
DISCOVER JESUS - Jesus Christ's Teaching on Provision (Matthew 6:19-34) ESV
Reading of the 1560 Geneva Bible - Day 360 of 366 (1 Peter 4-5; 2 Peter 1-3) Season 2
Matthew 6:33-34 ESV (worry, kingdom, righteousness): Read, recite, and memorize Bible verses
My Purpose: Seeking God's Kingdom: Matthew 6:31-33 (ESV)
Seek first the Kingdom of God!
The Most Beloved Bible Passage; Matthew 6:25-34 ESV
Seeking God's Kingdom, Matthew 6: 25-34, ESV
"My Peace I leave with you." Sleep with over 8-hours of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit & God's Word.
Therefore Do Not Be Anxious (Matthew 6:31-34 ESV) - Bible memory verse song Memorize with music!
Matthew 6:33 | SEEK the KINGDOM of GOD!!
✨Seed Your Clouds in Prayer | Matthew 7:32-33 ESV✨ #verseoftheday #scripture #simplyscripturestudies
Matthew 6:33 - Scripture Songs
10 for Life: Seek God's Kingdom First // Adam Fithen
English ESV | Matthew 6:1–34
"These things I command you" Jesus' own words from the 4 Gospels