transient - 11 adjectives which are synonym to transient (sentence examples)
🔵 Transient Meaning - Transient Examples - Define Transience - Formal English
transitory - 12 adjectives with the meaning of transitory (sentence examples)
Transient | Definition of transient
What is the meaning of the word TRANSIENT?
Transient | meaning of Transient
ferocious - 4 adjectives synonym of ferocious (sentence examples)
short-lived - 14 adjectives which are synonym to short-lived (sentence examples)
How to Pronounce Transient Correctly
tart - 10 adjectives synonym to tart (sentence examples)
fleeting - 15 adjectives synonym of fleeting (sentence examples)
groundless - 7 adjectives with the meaning of groundless (sentence examples)
short - 11 adjectives synonym of short (sentence examples)
fugitive - 10 adjectives which are synonym to fugitive (sentence examples)
TOADY (adjective) Meaning, Pronunciation and Examples in Sentences | GRE GMAT LSAT SAT ESL TOEIC
surpassing - 6 adjectives with the meaning of surpassing (sentence examples)
momentary - 12 adjectives meaning momentary (sentence examples)
brief - 18 adjectives which are synonym of brief (sentence examples)
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What is trenchant? #wordoftheday