What is the meaning of the word DAMAGED?
Severely | meaning of Severely
Damage Meaning | VocabAct | NutSpace
Damage meaning with 5 examples
Severe meaning with 5 examples
damage , Meaning of damage , Definition of damage , Pronunciation of damage
English Learning - Meaning of Damage in English & Hindi| English Vocabulary
Tear to pieces Meaning In English
Damage Meaning in English
[n] Destruction meaning (damage, ruin) with 5 examples
Wreckage Meaning
Wreck | Meaning of wreck
[v] Ruin meaning with 5 examples
Hammered Meaning In English
Mutilated Meaning In English
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DAMAGED pronunciation | Improve your language with bab.la
[n] Ruin meaning (destruction, downfall) with 5 examples
Mangled Meaning In English
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