Earliest sunset of the year
Sun rising seen from 35000ft on shortest day of the year 21 December.
Winter and summer solistice Tromsø, Norway
Midnight Sun in the Arctic (Time-Lapse)
The Place Where the Sun Never Sets
Longest Day Sun Rise - Dublin
How sunrise times vary throughout the year in UK and Ireland
AGE sunset, 21 December 2016--winter solstice
Winter Solstice still ahead despite Wednesday's earliest sunset
4 mins of the Sun rising from 35000ft on the shortest day 21 December.
Summer Solstice - 24h Time Lapse - Stockholm
Winter Solstice sunset observance at Drombeg Stone Circle 2023
Winter solstice Ireland, sunrise Dec 21 2019 at Knockroe passage tombs, Ireland
AGE winter solstice sunset, Philippines, 21 December 2020
Arctic: The Land of Midnight Sun | #multifront #shorts
AGE winter solstice sunset 🌅 Philippines, 21 December 2019
Day and Night at the same Time and Place + Supermoon! (Rare Video Footage)
Winter Solstice Cliffs of Moher timelapse
Longest day of the year! 🔥 #solstice #luas #dublin #kendricklamar #summer #reels
Dowth sunset time lapse December 16th 2016