What are the shortest and longest days of the year?
Embracing the UK's Shortest Day
Australians experience shortest day of the year on Thursday
Summer Solstice vs. Winter Solstice: Side-by-Side Time-lapse
Solstice: The Earth is reaching the turning point
Sun is setting later, but days are still getting shorter. How and why?
Shortest day of the year at Stonehenge (UK) - ITV News - 22nd December 2019
Day before winter solstice in Berkshire, England 2013
Gingerman: Episode 303- Christmas special
Winter and summer solistice Tromsø, Norway
Explained: Winter solstice, the shortest day of the year | AM
What happens during the winter solstice?
Why Does it Get Dark So Early
Timelapse of the shortest day December 21st 2022 from the Bognor Regis Beach EastCam
Winter Solstice 2024: The Shortest Day of the Year!
When is the winter solstice in the UK this year
Shortest Day of the Year (Winter Solstice) in London, Ontario Canada. DEC 21, 2009.
The Shortest Day of the Year and Winter Solstice Traditions.
Winter solstice 2016: What time and when does the shortest day of the year occur?
The Longest Day of the Year: The Solstice!