"Serana After Being Gifted Necklaces That Worth Thousands Of GOLD......"
"Wait, Serana Got RAP*D By Molag Bal As A Kid?!?!?"
SKYRIM MEMES for people that want to marry Serana 😏
"Serana Wants......WHAT???"
"Serana Is.............Thirsty!!!"
"Serana Can Be Worse Than Lydia Sometime..."
"WTF SERANA..............WHY?????"
"It's Serana This Time But........ WHY??!!!"
"The EXACT Moment Serana Gots Cured!!"
"The Main Reason Why Everyone Hate Serana ....."
"Serana........This Is Hardly The Time And Place......."
"Well.....How Meeting Serana Should Have Gone??"
Guess Who Serana is Contacting The Dark Brotherhood For.... 😂
Curing Serana of Vampirism
"Having FUN Serana?"
"This Is For Serana!!!"
"Serana Say.........WHAT???"
"Serana Is.....THE TRUE DRAGONBORN...?"
"The Biggest Reason Why Everyone Afraid Of Serana ......"