Alternative ways to say ''I'm so sorry to hear that'' in OET | Tiju’s Academy
4 4 I'm sorry to hear that
Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 39 "I'm sorry to hear that."
Go Getter 3 unit 4.4 I'm sorry to hear that
その代替案を聞いて申し訳ありません - MIHIRAA |あなたの英語を上達させましょう
Sorry to hear that (definition & samples from movies)
ENGLISH EXPRESS: Lesson 3 "I'm Glad to Hear That" | "I'm Sorry to Hear That" | English Conversation
의외로 I'm sorry to hear that이 과할 때가 있다? | 원어민이 쓰는 상황과 격식에 맞는 위로 표현 13개
10 Alternatives to "Sorry to hear that" #shorts #vocabulary #trending #dailyusesentences
Instead Of I am sorry to hear that For Oet Speaking
I'm sorry to hear that you're……
Oh I'm so sorry to hear that...
I'm so sorry to hear that.
STOP saying “I AM SORRY” 🚫
Tired of saying, "I am sorry to hear that" in OET Speaking? Use these alternatives
Alternative Of Sorry | Why Say Sorry Always?🤔 | What Can We Say Instead Of Sorry | Interview Tips
alternative ways to say I'm Sorry..#shorts
So sorry to hear this sad news. We will miss you Akhae 🙏🙏🙏.
Send this to someone for their Birthday! #shorts