Strange Fruit - the story behind "The Song of the Century"
Strange Fruit | Poem by Adele Meeropol (Recorded by Billie Holiday)
poem is sung - "STRANGE FRUIT" - Abel Meerepol, Nina Simone
Angela Davis introduces Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit," performed by Kim Nalley & Tammy Hall
Strange Fruit: Billie Holiday and the Power of a Protest Song
The Story of "Strange Fruit" by Billie Holiday: Fury Distilled in Wax | Single File
"Strange Fruit" By Lillian Smith
Strange Fruit by Abel Meeropol (With Analysis)
Abel Meeropol the creator poem/ song writer “Strange Fruit”
The Writer's Den | "Strange Fruit" | Southern Fried Poetry Slam 2017
Strange Fruit Readings
Strange Fruit/ poem by Abel Meerpool
Billie Holiday and Strange Fruit
Strange Fruit adapted by Millicent Cummings
The Story of Strange Fruit - Billie Holiday + Lyrics [Eva Schubert]
Sha'Leah Nikole - Strange Fruit | ASCAP Celebrates Black History Month 2023
"Strange Fruit": How Black Artists Defied U.S. Racism, Got It Right And Paid The Price | MSNBC
CATALIJNE ⋆ Strange Fruit (Billie Holiday)
1939 HITS ARCHIVE: Strange Fruit - Billie Holiday