Choose Your Starter Only Knowing Its Highest Base Stat
What is the SECOND Best Starter Pokemon?
Which Generation Has the Strongest Starter Pokémon?
Choose Your Starter Knowing ONLY Their Highest Base Stat!
Choose Your Starter But Their Stats Are FLIPPED!
What Pokémon Type has the highest stats?
Choose Your Starter Only Knowing it's BEST Base Stat
Ranking All 9 Starter Trios from Worst to Best
Choose Your Starter but it's Base Stat is ZERO!
Best Starter Pokémon if Every Game had ALL of Them
Every Starter Pokemon Signature Move Ranked Worst to Best
Choose Your Starter And CHANGE Their Stats!
What is the Best Starter Pokemon in EVERY Game?
Top 5 Overpowered Starter Pokémon!
The BEST Team for Each Starter in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Best Starter Pokémon for Johto
Choosing Pokemon Starters By Only Knowing Their Lowest Base Stat, Then We Battle!
50 Surprising Pokémon Stats
Choose Your Starter Only Knowing it's WORST Base Stat