27 Useful Phrasal Verbs with TAKE: Take away, Take back, Take in, Take for, Take down, Take up...
15 Phrasal Verbs with TAKE: Take after, Take away, Take back, Take down, Take off, Take out, Take up
「撤回してよ!」を英語で言うと? "Take it back" お決まりの英語表現
Vocabulary: 15 "TAKE" Phrasal Verb with Sentence and Meaning | English Vocabulary | IELTS | TOEFL
Come back vs Go back - English In A Minute
TAKE を含む句動詞: 「take to」、「take in」、「take after」...
テイク - 分解する - テイクバック - 脇に置く - テイクオフ...を含む 9 つの句動詞
英語の句動詞 – take after、take back、take down、take in
Handle Interruptions like a PRO series 1 #communicationskills #softskills #effectivecommunication
TAKE BACK - 英語の句動詞の意味と例
Take a back seat Idiom Meaning | Do YOU know this English Idiom? | Take the quiz | #16
Coldplay - The Scientist (Official 4K Video)
Phrasal verbs: Phrasal verbs with Take - 300 Phrasal With Meaning and Sentences - Part 9
@coldplay - The Scientist (Lyrics)
Use the phrasal verb: take back - episode 10 - Face up to Phrasals
英語を話すために最初に覚える熟語「TAKE」019 #shorts
English Vocabulary : Phrasal verbs | phrasal verbs with sentences | listen and practice
Bizmates無料英語学習 Words & Phrases Tip 149 "I take it back."
Take phrasal verbs | Take to, Take on, Take out, Take back, Take aside, Take off, Take