Tax evasion and avoidance
Tax Evasion vs. Tax Avoidance: What's the Difference?
What Are Tax Avoidance Schemes??... DON'T FALL FOR THEM!! CRA WILL AUDIT!!
Hidden Camera Investigation Into International Tax Evasion
Tax Evasion vs Tax Avoidance vs Tax Planning
What Are The Penalties For Tax Evasion in Canada?
Tax Fraud Vs. Tax Evasion Vs. Negligence
How the rich avoid paying taxes
The CRAZY Tax Rates of Other Countries | Tax comparison
Director of Canadians for Tax Fairness breaks down tax avoidance scheme
Chapter 1 - Tax Evasion v.s. Tax Avoidance
Tax Havens Explained
How The Wealthy Hide Billions Using Tax Havens
Shakira Tax Haven Strategy Explained (she only paid 2% tax)
CRA Fingerprinting Canadians Accused of Tax Evasion
IKEA Tax Avoidance Strategy Explained
KPMG and Tax Havens for the Rich : The Untouchables - the fifth estate
How is Tax Fraud Investigated and Penalized in Canada?
How Wealthy Canadian Avoided Taxes Using Isle Of Man Structure
The cost of Canadian tax cheats