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Quran 67. Al-Mulk (The Dominion, Sovereignty): Arabic and English translation HD 4K
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Quran: 83. Surat Al-Mutaffifin (The Defrauding): Arabic and English translation with Audio HD
Surat Al Kahf Word by Word with English Translation and Transliteration
The worldy life is but play and amusement - Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary | English Translation
Word のクイック ヒント: テキストを即座に翻訳する
これを Google 翻訳に決して入力しないでください。 (3) #ショートパンツ
If you tried to translate French literally #french #learningfrench #translation #learnfrench #skit
Quran: 112. Surah Al-Ikhlas (The Sincerity): Arabic and English translation HD
Quran: 18. Surat Al-Kahf (The Cave): Arabic and English translation HD
Quran: 2. Surah Al-Baqara (The Calf): Complete Arabic and English translation HD
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Visual Novel Translation Tutorial (Japanese → English)