Across() and row-wise operations in R | Part 10: Data wrangling for linguists with tidyverse
R : Add incremental values based on row numbers in tidyverse?
Group by and Summarise functions in R programming - use the tidyverse package to wrangle your data
R : Sampling different numbers of rows by group in dplyr tidyverse
R programming for beginners. Manipulate data using the tidyverse: select, filter and mutate.
R Programming Tidyverse: What is tidy data? (tidy-01)
Combining Columns and Rows in R using Tidyverse (1 of 2)
Subset Column in R using Select Function from Tidyverse Package
Stock Analysis using TidyQuant, Positron (R), and DuckDB Part 3 (Positron/DuckDB)
How to Filter First, Last, Nth Row in R Using Dplyr
Numbering Rows within Groups of Data Frame in R (2 Examples) | Base R vs. dplyr | Add Group Counter
Chapter 10 (part 1): Tidyverse Basics
R Tutorial: Count With Your Data
10 Tidyverse Functions - #2 Across (w/ Group By + Summarize)
Creating and changing columns in R | Part 8: Data wrangling for linguists with tidyverse
R Wars: 100 tidyverse Puzzles 58 - 62 Window Functions Lead Lag & RowNumber
R Studio: Tidy Tip mutate() new columns
R : Tidyverse and R: how to count rows in a tibble of a nested dataframe
Tidyverse 2: Grouping and Summarizing
R-Ladies Vancouver (Eng) - Programming with Tidyverse functions - Dr Tiffany Timbers