Understanding the tipping point: When elective becomes selective in NHS surgery
Elective Surgery at the RUH
Day of week of procedure and 30 day mortality for elective surgery
COVIDsurg: Timing of surgery in SARS-CoV-2 patients and vaccination before elective surgery
How ban on elective surgery can affect healthcare
Part 3: Elective and Urgent Surgeries amid COVID-19
Addressing Surgical Delays
How the NHS made day surgery the norm with Tim Briggs and Keiran Walshe
Tackling the Elective Surgery Backlog
Mechanisms to Support Elective Recovery
Using a Model for Improvement to Reduce Elective Surgical Cancellation – Dr. Tadesse Girma Moges
Having surgery in 2021? What to expect, with Professor Shafi Ahmed - JointSchool.app Ep.38
The One Thing You Should NEVER Do If You Take A Medical Leave
Anaesthetic procedure for elective caesarean section (C section)
Why would you need hand surgery? - Online interview
T8A - Hot Topic - Seven day elective surgery: Essential efficiency or cynical spin?
why i left surgery residency - changing careers during the pandemic
Virtual Elective - Surgical Virtual Placement
Top Five Mistakes People Make After Total Knee Replacement
Navigating the Impact of Delayed Surgical Care webinar