tolerance - 7 nouns which are synonym to tolerance (sentence examples)
tolerant - 13 adjectives with the meaning of tolerant (sentence examples)
How to Pronounce 'Tolerance' | Meaning |Synonyms| |Antonyms| #english #learning #vocabulary
What is the meaning of the word TOLERANT?
Vocabulary building-tolerant
Synonyms #vocabulary #shorts
What does tolerant mean
English Synonym Words for ALSO, ABOUT, ALL, ALWAYS, ANYWAY + AFTER | Expand Your English Vocabulary
tolerable - 5 adjectives synonym to tolerable (sentence examples)
SAT Vocabulary Words and Definitions — Tolerate
Tolerance Meaning
Synonyms of Tolerate | Tolerate ka synonyms | similar word of Tolerate | synonym of Tolerate
TOLERANCE - Meaning and Pronunciation
Tolerate | Meaning of tolerate
Tolerate | Tolerate Meaning | Pronunciation of Tolerate | Tolerate – English Word of the Day
toleration - 4 nouns meaning toleration (sentence examples)
charitable - 11 adjectives which are synonyms of charitable (sentence examples)
understanding - 16 adjectives which are synonyms of understanding (sentence examples)
What is a Synonym? | Grammar Tutorial