The Power of the Placebo
Cryogenic freezing, cravings and the placebo effect
Libertad González (UPF) "The Effect of Income on Child Health"
Pentingnya Konsumsi Probiotik untuk Memelihara Imunitas
Analgésie placebo: le chemin pour soulager la douleur? / Placebo Analgesia: The Path to Pain Relief?
The science of mental health - with Camilla Nord
Seminario sobre estudios sobre efectos placebo y nocebo
Full Roundtable: Experimental Economics: What have we learned?
The Science of Gut Health (& Why It Matters)
Preventing Sweeth Death: What Happens To The Body When You Quit Sugar For 7 Days | Dr. Robert Lustig
FKP 2024 01 19. Prepayment, price, and welfare: a study on electricity demand in Indonesia
The future of sleep | Jonathan Berent | TEDxPaloAlto
Dr. Michael Eades - 'Incretins, Insulin and Processed Foods'
Profesor visitante en Biomédica dicta charlas sobre efecto placebo
The FASTEST Way To Reverse The Signs of Skin Aging
Processed Food, Obesity, and YOUR BRAIN (The Crazy Link)
Ramon Marimon - Experimental Economics: What have we learned?
Understanding Ultra Processed Foods Live Panel - Ulrick & Short
Botox, Viagra or Placebo?: The Pfizer Allergan Deal