Say it in French = Well done!
How to say "Well done!" in French
"Bien fait" does not mean “well done” in French! ❌ 🇫🇷
Say it in French I It's really well done avi
How to Say 'Well Done' In French #shorts
French Phrase # Well done
Using faire preuve de in French to ‘demonstrate’ a quality . Well done John and Steven ! 🇫🇷
French Phrase # It's well done
Say it in French I Well done avi
French 101 done by a Filipina (Lesson 4) - French Basics (Introduction, Greetings and Responses)
French Phrase # It's really well done
Say it in French # Well done!
How to say "Ça y est" (All done/That's it) in French with an example! 🇫🇷
How to Pronounce ''Bien joué'' (Well done) Correctly in French
What I should have done differently - practice French conditionnel tense
VENIR DE: to have just (done something) in French
How I Speak French Fluently (But Still Sound Like An Idiot)
A Few "Typically French" Things I’ve Done (Am I French yet?!)
Which language subjects have YOU done at school? #shorts #school #schoollife #french