Study: Don't Let Kids Drink Energy Drinks
Dr. Max Gomez: Kids And Energy Drinks
How can energy or sports drinks be harmful for children or adolescents?
Working 4 you: Why energy drinks aren't for kids
Why Energy Drinks Are The WORST!
Energy drink risks for kids
How harmful can energy drinks be for children and teens?
Learn the Dangers of Energy Drinks in Kids
Energy drinks and kids
YOU CAN’T SELL ENERGY DRINKS TO KIDS (you have to be 16+ in the UK)
Why Energy Drinks are bad for you
UNM Study: Energy drinks bad for kids
Energy drinks impact on teens and young adults
Energy Drinks: Why Are They Sending So Many People to the ER?
Energy drinks, should teens worry?
Can You Drink Energy Drinks Every Day?
Video: Local students push for age limit on energy drinks
How much Sugar is Inside Redbull?
Should energy drinks be banned for kids? - BTN High