What is the most important influence on child development | Tom Weisner | TEDxUCLA
The critical age for a child's development (when emotions and rationality develop for children)
Child Development, What is it? The 5 stages of a child development explained in this video.
How baby brains develop
Age 6 & Age 7 Cognitive Milestones | Child Development
How Early Childhood Experiences Affect Lifelong Health and Learning
The Importance of Early Child Development
What Kids Need Most | Dr. Gabor Mate
Should we use a pacifier for our baby ? The surprising effects of Prolonged Pacifier Use
Early Years Resources: The Science of Early Childhood Brain Development
Importance of Brain Development in the First Five Years
Harvard Nutritionist: Best Brain Foods For Kids
Age 2 Cognitive Development Milestones | Child Development
Age 5 Cognitive Development Milestones | Child Development
How Does a Child's Brain Develop? | Susan Y. Bookheimer PhD | UCLAMDChat
The 3 Stages of Emotional Child Development
Psychology Lecture: Child Development in the Digital Age
Why talking to little kids matters | Anne Fernald | TEDxMonterey
Learn how to boost your baby's brain from a Harvard Professor | UNICEF
From Birth to Two: the Neuroscience of Infant Development