5 Things You Should Be Told When Starting Medication for Anxiety and/or Depression | SSRI/SNRI
Medication and Mental Health During Pregnancy with Katherine Wisner, MD
Pre & Postpartum Depression & Anxiety Medication Alternatives ~or for any other time!
Is it safe to get pregnant on anxiety medication?
Taking Medication To Treat Pregnancy and Postpartum Mental Health Illnesses | Motherhood Understood
DEPRESSION & ANXIETY: Postpartum, Pregnancy, Medication, Bullying & More - My Story | Faith Drew
Moms and Meds: Navigating Pregnancy and Psychiatric Medication
Is mental health medication SAFE during pregnancy? Experts explain
Are ADHD medications safe for pregnancy? Can you take OCD medication while pregnant?
Postpartum Depression Treatment – The Medication Options
Psychotropic Medication & Pregnancy
Corey Waller: Medication-Assisted Treatment During Pregnancy
Medication use in pregnancy Managing anxiety and depression Livewire Productions
4. Can You Really Take Medication While Pregnant? Myths and Medication
39: Medication in Pregnancy & Postpartum
On taking medication while pregnant
Medication is safe but doesn't always have to be the 1st approach.
Antidepressant/Antipsychotic Medication Use in Pregnancy and Postpartum
The pros and cons of a pregnant person taking medication for their perinatal mental health symptoms
Mini Episode 4: Stigma Surrounding Medication for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety