Reasons, causes and effect of Traditional vs Administrative boundaries (Regional and district)
Effective Leadership: Sources of Authority in Corporate Organizations - Essay Example
Power and Authority
The Authority Advantage: Building Thought Leadership Focused on Impact Not Ego (Book Review)
source of authority in society
Traditional authority #sociology
Authority and Tradition in Astrophysics/Geophysics
5 Communal areas and traditional authorities
Episode10: Benefits of an Other Transaction Authority (OTA)
African traditional authorities and land investment governance
Max Weber's Authority (Part- 2)
Roles and functions of regional councils, local and traditional authorities in service delivery
Max Weber's Authority (Part- 4)
Authority, Features and Types
Land Rights and Governance in Rural Areas
The Meaning and Sources of Authority: SS 1 Government
Traditional Leaders & Democratic Accountability in Africa
Government says it has no money to increase Traditional Authorities allowances-NBC
SPOTLIGHT INITIATIVE - Paramount Chief Kawinga on the benefits of the Spotlight Initiative
The 3 key characteristics of traditional media and the 3 benefits of digital, and which one to us...