social change | characteristics , theories , forms , factors affecting and resisting social change
Technological Forecasting and Social Change | Wikipedia audio article
Zeynep Tufekci: How the Internet has made social change easy to organize, hard to win
How Does Social Change Happen? | Minority Influence & Moscovici
social change part-1, introduction,meaning, definitions, characteristics,features of social change
Social movements | Society and Culture | MCAT | Khan Academy
Sociological theory | Wikipedia audio article
Behavioural change theories | Wikipedia audio article
Medical vocabulary: What does Socioeconomic Factors mean
Max Weber's life and theories of social change
Social Change - How and When? (Episode 32)
Sociologist | Wikipedia audio article
Social Stratification: Crash Course Sociology #21
How Social Media is Destroying Society
Preview Lecture: Global Social Change
Social exclusion | Wikipedia audio article
Social inequality | Wikipedia audio article
Theories and Theoretical Perspectives of Social Change: Social Change in Appalachia Series
Socialization (economics) | Wikipedia audio article
Sociocultural evolution | Wikipedia audio article