Enhancing the student learning experience: What is IPE and what are the IPEC Core Competencies
IPEC Core Competencies: A 2023 Update with Dr. Tony Breitbach and Dr. Katie Eliot Episode 213
IPEC Core Competency 1 Values & Ethics
Week 2 IPEC Competencies
IPE Core Competency Domain 3: Interprofessional Communication
IPE Core Competency Domain 1: Values/Ethics
IPE Core Competency Domain 2: Roles/Responsibilities
COMPtime: Collaborative Practice
IPE Core Competency Domain 4: Teams and Teamwork
IPEC-Americas 30th Anniversary
COMPtime: Introduction to IPE at UNE
Interprofessional Education Collaborative Core Competencies | Behind the Research
Updates from the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC)
IPE: Introduction to the Competencies
COMPtime: Vision for Collaborative Practice
WHY Interprofessional Collaborative Practice?
Assess Interprofessional Competency in Interdisciplinary Preparation
What I Did To Pass The NEW ICF Credentialing Exam - PCC