Am I at higher risk of having breast cancer because my mom had it?
Can breast cancer be passed on from mother to daughter?
Q&A - Breast Cancer: Family History & Genetics, Dr. Sogunro
How A Woman's Breast Cancer Diagnosis Affects Her Daughter's Risk
The importance of knowing about hereditary breast cancer, with Ann Frisch and Jamie Vento
Black Women and Genetic Risk of Breast Cancer
Genetic Cancer Risk Assessment Gives People Control Over Future
Reducing the Odds of Cancer After DNA Testing
When the odds are not in our favour: surviving breast cancer | Rana Raslan | TEDxYouth@WellspringLC
What's in your Genes? Hereditary Issues for Cancer Survivors
Beat the Odds Against Breast Cancer: An Educational Presentation
Stacking the odds against cancer occurrence and recurrence by Professor Annie Anderson
Beating Breast Cancer with Dr. Kristi Funk
Beating The Odds Against Breast Cancer [Thomson Breast Centre]
Mum blogger diagnosed with terminal cancer defies odds of having breast reconstruction | SWNS
Finding the perks to beat the odds | Florence Strang | TEDxStJohns
Ask the Expert Webcast: Breast Cancer Myths
Risk factor for breast cancer and probability prediction models. Jack Cuzick
Ovarian Cancer Awareness - Odds are against you
I Lost My Mom to Stage Four Breast Cancer