Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Evaluating AI for sustainability/sustainability of AI (Paper S. 6b)
Mastering AI In Business: 5 Pillars For Enterprise Success
The Four Pillars of Responsible AI Development
AI Ethics for the energy sector: Insights from industry leaders
Lec 60-AI and Sustainability
Neurophilosophy Seminar: Larissa Bolte (Universität Bonn), A Sustainability Perspective on AI Ethics
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Evaluating AI for sustainability/sustainability of AI (Paper S. 6a)
BIC: Two minutes to understand sustainable development
Workshop - Ethics in AI Procurement: Beyond the Checklist
What is AI Ethics The Moral Code Guiding Our Intelligent Machines
AI for Sustainable Future: Its Role in Ethical Policies and Climate Resilience
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: How can A.I. help us be sustainable? (Paper Session 1)
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Sustainability
Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals with Artificial Intelligence
Lessons Learnt on AI Ethics Governance By Francesca Rossi
Advancing Responsible AI for Australia IEEE Ethical and Sustainable Standards and Certification
Episode 9: AI as a tool to promote Sustainability Citizenship
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Pressing issues (Paper Session 5b)
AI Ethics
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Power to the consumer! (Paper Session 7)