Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Evaluating AI for sustainability/sustainability of AI (Paper S. 6b)
BIC: Two minutes to understand sustainable development
Lec 60-AI and Sustainability
The Four Pillars of Responsible AI Development
AI for Sustainable Future: Its Role in Ethical Policies and Climate Resilience
Mastering AI In Business: 5 Pillars For Enterprise Success
Different Ethical Theories & Approaches
Neurophilosophy Seminar: Larissa Bolte (Universität Bonn), A Sustainability Perspective on AI Ethics
The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: How can A.I. help us be sustainable? (Paper Session 1)
Dr. Sergio Genovesi: AI, Minimum Data Sets and the Three Pillars of Sustainability | DESCON 8.0
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Evaluating AI for sustainability/sustainability of AI (Paper S. 6a)
What is AI Ethics The Moral Code Guiding Our Intelligent Machines
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Sustainability
8 Sustainability ideas that will change the world | FT Rethink
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics | StudyIQ IAS
AI Ethics for the energy sector: Insights from industry leaders
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Power to the consumer! (Paper Session 7)
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Pressing issues (Paper Session 5b)