76 English Phrases to Say Instead of “I'm Fine, Thanks.“ - Beginner Intermediate English Speaking
50 Interesting English Phrases to say Instead of “I'm tired.“ - English Speaking Listening Practice
Say this instead of 'I'm sorry 🙏' | Add Nuance to your Sentences with Spencer
60 Interesting English Phrases to say instead of “I'm, sorry.“ - English Speaking Practice
Don’t say this in English! Say this instead!
Say this INSTEAD OF 'I know' and 'I understand'
Do Not Say Very Any longer | Words to use instead of very | 50 + Common English Vocabulary
Stop Apologizing. SAY THIS INSTEAD!
What can we say instead of "good morning"? #englishlanguage #learnenglish #english #grammartips
Instead of saying 'I DIDN’T UNDERSTAND' say this phrase instead! #shorts
instead of very what can we say. lets begin the vedieo
5 Things To Say Instead Of "It's Okay"
Say THIS instead of "I LIKE IT VERY MUCH"
What new parents can say instead of “No!” #babydevelopment #toddlerdevelopment #newparents
Don't always say "In My Opinion" instead use these #dailyenglish #daily #simple #basics #upgrade
Instead of saying 'I’ll think about it ' say this phrase instead! #shorts
DO NOT SAY 'I think...' - say THIS instead - 21 more advanced alternative phrases
Best Tesla Art Wins $1,000!
#instead of how are you what else can you say
What To Say Instead Of Very Encouraging | Example Sentence With Auspicious #LearnEnglish #shorts