Drug Abuse, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Addiction: Types, Causes, and Solutions (For Teens)
What causes addiction, and why is it so hard to treat? - Judy Grisel
The Domino Effect: Youth and Substance Abuse | Helia Moghaddam | TEDxYouth@LafargeLake
Teen Health: Substance Use and Abuse
Detecting drug abuse among teens
Mechanism of Drug Addiction in the Brain, Animation.
Drug abuse leading cause of mental illnesses among youths
The Effect of Drugs on the Human Body | AnatomyStuff
Rising up against drug and substance abuse among the youth
Concern is mounting over spiraling drug abuse among young people
Causes of Substance Abuse & Addiction | Addictions
Drug abuse patterns among teens
Drug Abuse Education - It's Your Choice!
The Ripple Effect of Addiction | Brennan Harlow | TEDxDayton
Effects of Drugs
Addiction And The Cycle Addiction HD
Student Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Kuch Khaas: Speak Out Drug Abuse Among Youth Part-1
5 Effects of Drug Abuse on The Body