Hypnic Jerks: Falling Sensation When Going to Sleep
Ever feel like your falling with you're falling asleep?
Why You Twitch Before Falling Asleep 😟 (weird)
Why Do We Jump in Our Sleep?
Why Do We Twitch Before Falling Asleep?
Why Do We Twitch Before Falling Asleep? | Hypnic Jerks
Do you hear your name while falling asleep or waking up?
Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Hallucinations - A Normal Phenomenon While Falling in or out of sleep
Here's what the feeling of falling in your sleep actually means
JOLT or JERK awake when falling asleep? TRY THIS!
Why You Feel Like You're Falling In Your Sleep
Electric Surge To Brain When Falling Asleep
Why Do People Twitch When Falling Asleep?
Why Do We Feel Like We're Falling When We're Sleeping?
The sudden feeling of falling while sleeping is actually caused by this... #Science
The Falling Sensation During Sleep
The Feeling of Falling While Sleeping: Trauma Inherited from Our Ancestors
How to stop hyperawareness (When you are aware of falling asleep)
Why We Suddenly Twitch and Wake up Sometimes Right Before Falling Asleep