Can a Christian Believe in Evolution?
Does the Bible Say the Earth is 6000 Years Old?
How I reconcile evolutionary theory and my belief in God as Creator | John Lennox at Claremont
Fundamentalist Christians hate everyone because they know they're wrong about the world
Do Fundamentalists (Actually) Follow Jesus?
Everyday Apologetics: The Historical View of the Creation Days
What is an "Evangelical?"
TEDxRainier - Andrew Himes - Emerging from Fundamentalism
RfRx - The Fall Excursion featuring Dr. Ben, Will Harrell, Darante’ LaMar Martin, and David Teachout
Covenant or Creation? The Christians Who Believe Israel is Just a Modern-Day Invention
Christian Fundamentalism
5 Bible Passages That Caused Me To Lose My Faith
What is an Evangelical Church?
Jordan Peterson - Atheist Scientists vs Christian Fundamentalists
How Did Christianity Take Over the Roman World?
The Question that Stops Christians in Their Tracks
All Christian denominations explained in 12 minutes
How To Debate A Christian Fundamentalist? Start By Asking Do Christians Even Read Their Own Bible?
The Bible Reveals the TRUTH About Dinosaurs
American Heretics: The Politics of the Gospel (Christian Nationalism Documentary) | Real Stories