Companies offering more parental leave
Why paternity leave benefits everyone | The Way We Work, a TED series
Should New Dads Take Paternity Leave? | Dad University
Why Netflix just offered the most generous parental leave policy in the country
Josh Levs: Why Maternity and Paternity Leave Are Important for Families and Businesses
Fathernomics: How Paternity Leave Benefits Businesses and Countries
How companies are developing new approaches to parental leave policies | GMA
3 Reasons All Dad Must Take Paternity Leave
Nvidia Dominates CES | Bloomberg Technology
3 in 5 employers offer paid parental leave but few dads are taking it up | ABC News
Should dads get more paternity leave?
Michigan doesn't require companies to offer paid parental leave. Should it?
Why paid parental leave would be a game changer | The Business
More American companies introducing paternity leave
Some Companies Are Cutting Back On Parental Leave Post-Pandemic
Companies cutting back on maternity, paternity leave post-pandemic | Morning in America
Paternity Leave & Maternity Leave: Calendar Days or Working Days?
Dr. Mimi Discusses How to Get Paternity Leave
Paternity Leave, Labor Standards
#PregnantAtWork: Maternity and Paternity Rights in the UK